Monday, March 26, 2012

Just "Be"

I was going through some of my old journals deciding just what to write, and kept coming back to the same message. "BE"

Being of a curious nature, I decided to look the word up in the dictionary.

context intransitive now _ literary - To exist; to have real existence. 

intransitive - To occupy a place.
intransitive without predicate - {{non-gloss definition elliptical form of 'be here', 
transitive copulative - {{non-gloss definition Used to connect a noun to an adjective that describes it}}.
archaic - {{non-gloss definition Used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs. Often still used for ''to go''}}

So what does it all mean? Verbs are action words. Its a command to do something. over and over in my life I was instructed to "BE".  be good, be faithful, be quiet, be still, ... the list goes on and on. What did it mean. How does one simply BE if you don't know who you are or where you are supposed to be? The world is full of those who will happily tell you where you should go, what you should do, who you should be friends with... you get the picture. I didn't know who I was. I had not yet found where I belonged. my question to God was always  BE WHAT??

One day back in 2003 a dear friend decided I had been cooped up in my house for far too long and needed some fresh air. I was a single mom at the time and it was the weekend my daughter went to spend with her father. I had nothing better to do, and agreed to go on a quiet drive. We had no plans to go anywhere specific, just drive. We ended up near some old abandon railroad tracks. This was a place my friend liked to go when he needed time to "think".  While walking along the tacks an old railroad spike caught my eye. It was out of the ground and half buried by sand. I picked it up, brushed it off and continued to walk, spike in hand.  My friend saw this old rusty dirty spike and offered to help find a better one if I really wanted to keep it. I told him no, that this was the one I wanted. He questioned me since the thing i was carrying was obviously trashed, and honestly, if it was something one of my kids would have brought home, I would probably have told them to keep it outside. But there was something about this old spike that spoke to my spirit. We finished our walk, went to the local mall and had a bite to eat, we loved chicken teriyaki, and went home.

That night while sitting along and feeling sorry for myself cause the house was so quiet, a still small voice spoke to me. There was this "something" placed on my heart and words just flooded my head. Words I knew needed to come out. So paper and pen I grabbed and began to write. This is what God placed in my heart that summer night. And by the way... to this day I still have that railroad spike. I keep it in a drawer of a mantle clock this same friend bought me as a Christmas Gift that same year. If you have ever been in this will understand.

The Railroad Spike...
Weather Beaten
Tossed aside

No one would have noticed it. It had but one purpose and having been used, was it no longer of any worth? Is this it's fate? To be tossed aside and forgotten? Is it over?
This is only the beginning. God sees the end from the beginning.

The Railroad Spike...
Necessary for the completion of a plan
It was created to be a part of something bigger. A small but necessary piece in history. Years of weather, and abuse by countless numbers of trains passing over, yet it remained steadfast in its purpose. No storm, no train, no hand of man can altar its original purpose, for its creator had only one idea in mind when he made it.

Weather Beaten
Tossed Aside
Most times overlooked
Your Creator designed you with but one purpose. He fashioned you, He molded you, He spoke life into you. No amount of time, no storms in life, no hands of demons or man can altar you original purpose.

Be who He created you to be, and be only what He made you. HIS MOST PRECIOUS POSSESSION. HIS CHILD. HIS GIFT IN A PART OF HISTORY. Be who you are...Be out loud or in the secret places...only BE!  Just know... He who creates saw the end before you. He knows who you are and who you are to become. Be confidant. Be strong, Be sharp, and Be necessary.

Be still and know... that "I AM".

It took me a long time to understand what it meant to "BE". I kept thinking I was supposed to do something. I finally figured it out. I already was. I was everything I was supposed to be. I just had to believe in me. I had to stop seeing myself as I thought the world saw me. As I saw me, my distorted view. It was time to see me as God saw me. God doesn't make any mistakes, He created what he desires for His purpose and in His time. I was who I was... not an accident, but put here with meaning and purpose. To accomplish something greater than... To speak for the voices of those who are in silence. To show a path to something bigger than the pain. To let others always...

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